CLOT Conversations
Unlock the latest breakthroughs in thrombosis diagnosis and management with CLOT Conversations - the must-listen podcast for healthcare professionals. Join hosts Dr Jameel Abdulrehman, a Hematologist with specialization in Thrombosis and Hemostasis at the University Health Network in Toronto, and David Airdrie, the Executive Director of Thrombosis Canada, as they delve into new research and explore the evolving field of thrombosis in 15 to 30 minute easily digestible episodes. Learn from the experts and stay ahead of the curve with Thrombosis Canada, the organization dedicated to promoting excellent patient care and improved outcomes for patients with thrombosis. Access our vast resources, tools, and programs at and stay informed with CLOT Conversations - your go-to source for all things thrombosis.
CLOT Conversations
mRNA COVID Vaccines & VTE with M Nicholson and N Chan
In this episode have a conversation with Dr Matthew Nicholson and Dr Noel Chan on their recent publication from Blood Review entitled No apparent association between mRNA COVID-19 vaccination and venous thromboembolism ( which was co-authored by Dr Hadi Goubran and Dr Deborah Siegal.
Dr. Matthew Nicholson is a Clinical Hematologist at the Saskatoon Cancer Centre and an Assistant Professor in the College of Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan. He obtained his MD and Internal Medicine residency at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon.
Dr. Nicholson completed his Hematology fellowship training at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver and completed a clinical fellowship in thrombosis medicine through McMaster University, and is board certified in Internal Medicine and Hematology.
Dr. Nicholson has acted as an advocate for improved training conditions for medical students and residents during his time with provincial health organizations and the resident doctors of Canada board. He co-authored the resident Doctors of Canada "Data Collection and Learner Privacy Principles" which have been adopted to help govern learner privacy rights in medical colleges and medical licensing bodies across Canada.
His research interests include Venous Thromboembolism (VTE), thromboprophylaxis, and hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH).
Dr Noel Chan, is an Assistant Professor in the Division of Hematology and Thromboembolism, Department of Medicine, McMaster University, Hamilton ON, Canada, specializing in anticoagulant therapy and thrombosis medicine.
His research seeks to improve our understanding of the triggers for thrombosis (including the role of inflammation) and the determinants of variable response to antithrombotic therapies to inform on novel strategies with the potential to further reduce the burden of thrombosis.
Follow us on Twitter:
Dr Matthew Nicholson: @Matt_BloodMD
Thrombosis Canada: @ThrombosisCan
Nicholson, M., Goubran, H., Chan, N., & Siegal, D. (2022). No apparent association between mRNA COVID-19 vaccination and venous thromboembolism. Blood Reviews, 100970.
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